HMS 6th Grade Class Blog

SBC Week 6


A is for Angstrom, a unit that measures the wavelength of light.

B is for Baffle, something used to prevent stray light.

C is for Comet, a big piece of ice that orbits a star.

D is for Decaying orbit, an unstable orbit.

E is for Earth, the third planet closest to the sun.

F is for Fahrenheit, a measurement in the customary system used for temperature

G is for Galaxy, a  group of millions of stars and dust.

H is for Heatshield, a thick layer that prevents heat

I is for Indigenous rock, a  rock that formed from the crystallization of magma.

J is for Jupiter, the fifth planet closest to the sun.

K is for Kelvin, a unit that measures absolute temperature.

L is for Lightning, an electrical discharge from the atmosphere.

M is for Meteorite, a rock that survives the fall from space to earth.

N is for Neptune, the furthest planet in the solar system away from the sun.

O is for Ozone Layer, a layer in the earth’s atmosphere.

P is for Planet, a large body of rock or ice that orbits a star.

Q is for Quantum, Theory of physics that explains the behavior of nature and its forces on a very small, subatomic scale.

R is for Red star, an older star that used up all of its hydrogens and uses other things to keep shining.

S is for Saturn, the sixth farthest planet from the sun

T is for Telescope, an instrument that puts more focus on an object.

U is for Uranus, the seventh planet furthest from the sun.

V is for Venus the second closest planet to the sun.

W is for Watt, a unit of power in the SI unit system.

X is for X-ray, a machine that is used to see into things.

Y is for Y-axis, the secondary or vertical axis of a system of coordinates, points along which have a value of zero for all other coordinates.

Z is for Zonal wind, an atmospheric wind that does down the latitude.


The hardest part of this was probably finding Y. There was nothing on the website I used so I had to think of it. It took a while. Along from that everything else was easy. The website was very helpful.

I learned a lot from this. One is that I learned more units of measurement like angstrom which measures the wavelength of light. Also, I learned words that I had never even heard of. One example is Red Star, that is an old planet that has no more hydrogen so it uses other resources to survive.

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