HMS 6th Grade Class Blog



I think that fortntie is a really fun game and I think that it is really cool. I can’t believe that the moms and dads are getting mad at Epic games (the creator of fortntie) because their son or daughter plays the game to much. I think that its their kids fault because they are playing to much.

I personally think that the creators of forntite battle royal are really smart and good people. They made this awesome game that a ton of people like to play. No video game has ever been so popular so fast. The creators of fortnite are constantly working very hard to improve the game and make sure that there are no bugs int eh system to mess up the game for other people.

One reason why forntite is so popular is because of streamers. People that stream basically play forntite and show people what they do. But its not that easy, first of all you have to be really good at the game. Second you have to be an enertaining person to make good constant. is it was so easy then everyone would be doing it but it really isn’t that easy so thats why i give credit to all of the good streamers out there.Image result for fortnite

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